Cartisan was designed for online sellers of all types. Whether you’re a small seller selling products that you make from home, a band, an artist, a small business owner, or a large company that is looking for another marketing channel, Cartisan is right for you.
We have made Cartisan so easy to use that you can create your store in less than 10 minutes using your smartphone. Adding products takes less than 1 minute. You don’t need to know web design or how to manage complicated platforms.
You can have your first sale within the amount of time it would take you to create a store elsewhere!
To create your store is really simple. Just download the Cartisan app and create an account on the screen that the app opens to. It only takes a few minutes and is free to do so.
Cartisan brings you the power of social selling, meaning that each store benefits from other stores. You’re no longer creating a website that sits out on the internet alone. You’ll benefit from the customers that you bring to your store and customers that come to Cartisan through other stores.
Customers can follow your store and get updates when you add new products. They can also communicate with you directly through Cartisan as well.
What are you waiting for? Be the next…